
Brand identities, whether corporate or public, are built on good products or services. They are maintained by effective customer relations, and grow with trust.

In todays globalised world, the potential market, customer base and identity of an organisation is no longer limited to any one location or culture. Indeed, for organisations to survive and thrive in today’s world, they need to engage meaningfully and powerfully with an ever-growing and developing market place.

Without a good product or service an organisation has nothing to communicate and without effective communications, it will fail to connect its services with potential customers and new business.

HM King Abdullah II is decisively and bravely connecting the Jordanian economy, market place and tourism sector with the wider, particularly western world, but without effective English and cultural skills, many organisations may fail to find traction, trust and trade with an ever-expanding client base.

As a highly skilled British English trainer, I am working with many Jordanian individuals and institutions to provide effective and specialised Business English training and the cultural skills needed to connect in an effective and persuasive manner with the western business world.

This website has a growing collection of training resources and ideas to help you grow in your Business English and Cultural competency skills.

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